How It All Started
One Question.
Better Birth Jackson started with a question posted to a group message board: “Are any doulas who serve Jackson interested in starting a collective?” Two more doulas jumped on board and as soon as Better Birth Jackson was brainstormed, the pandemic hit and progress ground to a halt. A year later it was re-initiated with much more help: it seemed many people had used the pandemic year to become doulas, invest in their new businesses, or expand their birth work. So, we banded together with a purpose.
Mission: Jackson.
We banded together with three goals in mind. 1). Improve the birth outcomes and experiences of families living around Jackson. 2). Work to secure funding and business relationships to support the mission of a doula for every family that wants one. 3). Help our businesses flourish while building a supportive birth work community. Are these goals close to your heart too? Well, we’re glad you’re here. Let’s make better births in Jackson.